Nunavut’s Cultural Industries

The Nunavut market for locally-produced arts and crafts is a good one. Whether people visiting from outside the territory or Nunavummiut themselves visiting other Nunavut communities on business-related travel; our local markets are strong.
These local markets also tend to be the most profitable for the producer and bring best value for the buyer. Customers are generally looking for items easily transported in a carry-on bag or that can be properly packaged to ensure safe travel.
Jewellery (especially that produced by Nunavummiut), small traditional tools, and wearable accessories are always of high interest, good choices which fit well within supporting sales criteria of being easily transportable.
Last year NDC and its subsidiary company Ivalu worked with organizations and directly with producers from across Nunavut to purchase a wide variety of Inuit-made jewellery, sewn goods and sculpture. Much of this material is available at Ivalu Online.